The JBJS Quiz of the Month is a collection of 10 relevant questions from each orthopaedic subspecialty. The questions are drawn from JBJS Clinical Classroom, which houses over 4,500 questions and 3,100 learning resources. Take the Quiz to see how you score against your peers!

NOTE: This quiz does not earn users CME credits. The questions must be answered within Clinical Classroom to earn CME credits.

A baby born with congenital absence of the radii is noted to have frequent episodes of bruising. Which of the following findings also are likely to be seen?
  • A lack of thumbs
  • Absent thumbs may be present; however, with thrombocytopenia-absent radius syndrome being described, it is more likely that a hypoplastic thumb will be present.

  • Fibular deficiencies
  • Fibular deficiency is not associated with thrombocytopenia-absent radius syndrome, which is being described.

  • Thrombocytopenia which improves or becomes less severe later in life
  • Thrombocytopenia-absent radius syndrome is being described. The anemia is transient.

  • Thrombocytopenia which worsens after the second decade of life
  • This is a feature of late-onset thrombocytopenic syndromes such as Fanconi anemia.
